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Crafted by Design Bricks.

Our Trip to the Bog

April 23, 2024 #

We visited the Bog of Allen Nature Centreand the Bog of Allen today. We learned lots about bog formation and the many different plants and animals who have their habitat in the bog. It was a great day out and we had lots of fun.

Lego Workshop on Biodiversity

April 16, 2024 #

We really enjoyed learning about biodiversity and making bees and flowers from lego.

How to make a Volcano!

March 11, 2024 #

We were learning about volcanoes in Geography and Pompeii in history. We wanted to make our own volcanic eruptions. We did this by making a chemical reaction from mixing an acid (vinegar) with an alkali (bicarbonate of soda). Bubbles of carbon dioxide were released like in a volcanic pyroclastic flow.

World Book Day

March 8, 2024 #

We celebratedWorld Book Day today.

St. Brigid’s Day Crosses

January 22, 2024 #

Some of the girls from 5th and 6th class came in to us today to help us make St. Brigid’s Day Crosses.

Our Snowmen

December 12, 2023 #

We made snowmen out of clay and painted them. We used ribbon for their scarves and we think they turned out great!

Our Norman Castles

December 6, 2023 #

We were learning about the Normans in Ireland during the month of November. We really enjoyed building our own Norman Castles.

Seeing Sound

November 14, 2023 #

We made a lot of noise in the classroom today using musical instruments. The noise we created made the rice on the cling film move. This is because sound is created by vibrations. These vibrations travel through the air as a sound wave, causig the rice to move.

Happy Halloween

October 27, 2023 #

We had a spook-tacular day today!

Bluebell’s Day

October 26, 2023 #

We wore blue for Bluebell’s Day. We really enjoyed our coffee morning and sharing our treats.