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Green Schools

Pea Planting – Update! 43 views

This term, we had expert gardener Paddy Madden in with us to help us develop our green-thumb skills! We had […]

Unveiling of 11th Green Schools Flag and 4th Active Schools Flag! 241 views

We had a wonderful day of celebration on Friday 7th June to mark the recent achievements of being awarded our […]

Canal Walk 113 views

This week the girls in 5th class were lucky to receive an amazing talk from Nuala Madigan on the canal! […]

Gardening 64 views

A few weeks ago, the girls in 5th class planted some lettuce seeds with Paddy Madden. We grew the seeds […]

Planting with Paddy Madden 417 views

Gardening expert, Paddy Madden, completed gardening workshops with all the classes on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th of February. Paddy […]

Planting 100 views

Junior infants planted peas with Paddy Madden. They made their own pots from toilet rolls. We are looking forward to […]

Ancient Egyptian Junk Art 189 views

We learned all about Egypt and Ancient Egypt in History and Geography in October. At the end of the month, […]

National Tree Day 2023 181 views

Junior Infants have been learning about autumn and the different parts of the tree. They are now able to identify […]

Trees 156 views

We have been learning all about trees in Ireland this month in science. We went for a ‘tree walk’ around […]

Green Schools Committee Hard at Work! 129 views

Here in Bunscoil Bhride our Green Schools Committee have the great task of collecting any old mobile phones or batteries […]

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