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World Book Week

March 10, 2024 #

The girls in Fifth and Sixth Class had a full week filled with learning and reading. We delved into the Cinderella Crime Scene, getting our critical thinking hats on. Furthermore, we read to Ms. Gleeson’s Junior and Senior Infants. We played Fairy Tale Bingo with Second Class and we of course dressed up as our favourite book characters. It was a fantastic week. Thank god Cinderella was found with the help of Garda O’Malley.

St. Brigid’s Day

February 11, 2024 #

Testing out the new Bluebells Playground

February 11, 2024 #

The Official Opening of our fabulous new Bluebells Playground took place on Thursday 25th January, with the ribbon being cut by Margo Conlon of ‘Little Folks Playschool’. The playground has been fitted with a large swing and spinner and the girls in our Bluebells Class are thrilled with their fabulous new facility. 

The girls in 5th and 6th Class got the opportunity to test out the wonderful Bluebells Playground. They love the new equipment and are very grateful to the new addition to the school.


January 27, 2024 #

During the month of January the girls in 5th and 6th Class have been thoroughly enjoying learning new skills in gymnastics. From the individual and grouped balances to the front roll and James Bond’s roll, the girls have levelled up their gymnastic expertise. The girls will continue to learn new poses, balances and tumbles. They will get the opportunity to incorporate all these new skills into a group routine in February. We are all looking forward to seeing the masterpieces.

Grandparents’ Day

January 27, 2024 #

It was a magnificent day in Bunscoil Bhríde as we welcomed some of our Grandparents to our school and classroom. It was a special day to showcase the amazing work that has been going on in the classroom so far this school year. The girls enjoyed interviewing their grandparents, displaying their artwork and making St. Brigid’s Crosses with their beloved grandparents. The girls showed off their excellent tin whistle skills and presented their grandparents with gifts of love and kindness. We also made a special area in the room to remember those grandparents that could not be with us.

Hot Chocolate

January 27, 2024 #

The girls joined up with Ms Banks’ 5th Class to battle it out in a Christmas themed quiz. They also enjoyed a warm cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and cream. It was a fun-filled morning.

Santa visit!

January 5, 2024 #


January 5, 2024 #

The school PE strand for November and December was dance. The 5th and 6th class girls have been learning how to jive! They have had lots of jiving sessions with Ms. Banks’ 5th class and Ms DeFaoite’s 6th class as all three classes have been learning the same steps. We even have been teaching some of the younger classes!

Parent’s Day 2023

January 5, 2024 #

There was great excitement around the school on Friday, 15th December, as we welcomed all parents into our school. The girls in 5th and 6th Class loved showing off their ongoing fantastic work. Parents had the opportunity to see art work, projects, written pieces etc. We also displayed our tin-whistle skills by playing a few tunes on the day. There was great buzz outside when we took our parents out to the yard for some light jiving. It was a brilliant day and thoroughly enjoyable. Our fabulous Parents’ Association were serving refreshments in the halla for our visitors. A great day was had by both the students and parents!

Science Week 2023

November 18, 2023 #

The girls in 5th and 6th class had an amazing science week full of fun and exciting experiments and explorations. The girls got the opportunity to investigate the Beebots and how they work. Furthermore, the girls had the privilege of exploring biodiversity with a special guest, Barbara. They took a deeper look at all the diverse plants around our school. The girls worked so hard throughout the week in organising and planning their science fair. It was a great week!!