At the end of another wonderfully productive and successful year at Bunscoil Bhríde we celebrated some of the wonderful achievements of our girls. Check out some of the pictures from our assembly.
Well done and congratulations to all the girls involved in the Active School Committee, our Green Schools Committee, our Student Council and our Coiste Gaeilge.
It was a particularly successful year for our Basketballers, who won both the Cumann na mBunscol League and Blitz, our debating team made it to the semi-finals of the Kildare Primary Debating Competition and only marginally lost out to the team that ended up winning out the competition. Our footballers and athletics teams also did us proud this year.
Our assembly saw prizes awarded for most improved basketballer and footballer and sportspeople of the year. A large number of pupils who had perfect attendance this year were also presented with certificates and applauded. Well done to all!
Photographs of all groups awarded / acknowlegded for their wonderful work can be viewed below.
Another remarkable year for our wonderfully talented pupils at Bunscoil Bhríde!