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Celebrating Our 10th Green Flag

June 20, 2022 #

We celebrated raising our 10th Green Flag this year, this is a wonderful achievement and we celebrated by parading our flag through the town and with a visit of the ice cream van to the school yard! Our teddy bears enjoyed the picnic too.

Celebrating 2nd Class and our First Communion

June 20, 2022 #

On the 15th of May our 2nd class girls and their families celebrated their first holy communion. Thanks to Fr. Bill, Caitríona, Ms. Rowley, Ms. DeFaoite, Ms. Millane, Ms. Gorman and the choir of Bunscoil Bhríde for making it such a wonderful day.

We Made A Wormery

June 19, 2022 #

As we learned about spring and had just planted our plot in the school garden we became increasingly interested in how our crops grow in the soil. We were fascinated to learn how important the worm is in supporting the growth of our plants and crops, the worm helps to keep the soil aerated and so oxygen can get into the ground to help our plants grow. The earthworm helps to keep our soil full of the nutrients it needs to make plants grow! Firstly we had to carefully collect the earthworm from our school garden, next we has to create a ‘garden’ in a pot! We used recycled clear plastic bottles so we could see how the earthworm moves in the soil and mixes up all the layers. We added layers of compost and soil before adding a final layer of old newspapers to the top of our container, we then placed the container in a dark cupboard so that the earthworm would feel as if they were underground. We observed over a number of days how the earthworm moved through the layers and mixed them up as they went.

Pancake Treat Day

June 19, 2022 #

To celebrate pancake Tuesday and the beginning of Lent we had tea, talk and pancakes as a welcome treat (some even had lemon, sugar and jam on their pancakes!)

Connect 4 Challenge

June 19, 2022 #

Congratulations to Kate and Áine who were the finalists in our Connect 4 challenge. Each girl in the class played another girl in the best of 3 Connect 4 games with the winner moving on to the next round until finally Kate and Áine were head to head in the final round. Kate used her powerful problem solving skills to outwit Áine at the last minute to claim the Connect 4 Championship! We can’t wait for the rematch ladies.

Fyffes Fit Squad

June 19, 2022 #

We were very busy throughout the year working on our Fyffes Fit Squad activities, each week we had to take part in a number of activities like lunges, sit ups, star jumps, pushups, duck walk etc etc!! We were exhausted trying all these new exercises! We had to record all our activity and take pictures to upload it to the Fyffes Fit Squad dashboard each week.