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Crafted by Design Bricks.

Last Day in Junior Infants

June 27, 2024 #

Congratulations to our wonderful Junior Infants on finishing their first year in Bunscoil Bhride. To celebrate, we had great fun in the playground!

Junior and Senior Infant School Tour

June 13, 2024 #

On Thursday 13th June, Junior and Senior Infants set off to Lullymore on their school tour. Although the sun did not shine for the girls, the wet weather did not dampen their excitement! We all had a great day and have made memories to last us a lifetime.

Breakfast Club

June 5, 2024 #

The girls were learning all about the Cafe this month and we finished off by enjoying some toast.

Active Week 2024

June 5, 2024 #

The girls are having great fun during Active Week. We had a super Sports Day, enjoyed Tennis with Gary and loved the Teacher Challenges!

Library Visit and Lovely Handwriting

June 5, 2024 #

Fun in the Sun ☀️

May 20, 2024 #

Junior Infants were having so much fun recently writing with chalk on the yard and playing maths games outside.

April 2024

April 26, 2024 #

Fun in the sun! The girls had lots of fun in the Bluebells playground.

We designed lovely gardens. We practised our cutting and sticking too!

We learned about pattern and rhythm during our Drumming workshop with Neil! It was so much fun. We learned the difference between noise and music!

March 2024

March 8, 2024 #

In Maths, we are learning all about the number 4. We did lots of great pair work this week and practised being a good team. We were taking turns, being kind and encouraging.

Our new Aistear theme for March is The Doctor Surgery! We had lots of fun playing Doctors and Nurses. We also made sure to share and take turns. We had lots of patients to attend to, it was very busy!

World Book Day!

March 8, 2024 #

On Friday 8th March we celebrated World Book Day. The girls in Room 1 dressed up as their favourite character and read lots of stories. The 6th class girls also came down to read to them. We had a great day!

Cinderella Crime Scene

March 4, 2024 #

This week the girls are trying to solve where Cinderella has disappeared to. They have lots of thoughts based on the evidence left at the crime scene!