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Ms. Rowley’s Second Class

Active Schools Week 2024

Active Schools Week 2024 June 7, 2024 | 67 views

We have really enjoyed the fortnight of being active in Rang a Dó. We engaged in loads of fun activities […]
Grandparents’ Day 2024

Grandparents’ Day 2024 January 29, 2024 | 131 views

On Wednesday 24th January we celebrated Grandparents’ Day as part of Catholic Schools’ Week. We also lit a candle to […]
An Bhialann

An Bhialann November 19, 2023 | 122 views

Bhaineamar an-taitneamh as ár gceacht Gaeilge i rith na seachtaine. Bhíomar ag foghlaim faoi ‘Bia’ agus rinneamar biachlár nuair a […]
Science Week 2023

Science Week 2023 November 19, 2023 | 131 views

We had so much for Science Week 2023. We got to complete a biodiversity workshop, engage with coding some ‘bee […]
Oíche Shamhna

Oíche Shamhna November 19, 2023 | 121 views

Oíche Shamhna sona daoibh go léir! Happy Halloween! We had great fun dressing up in 2nd class for Halloween. Can […]
National Fitness Day 2023

National Fitness Day 2023 October 2, 2023 | 212 views

On Thursday 28th September we all celebrated National Fitness Day! Students and teachers all wore their active gear and got […]
Fáilte go dtí Rang a Dó!

Fáilte go dtí Rang a Dó! September 8, 2023 | 321 views

Our Class Photo 2023/2024.