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Active Schools Week 2024

June 7, 2024 #

We have really enjoyed the fortnight of being active in Rang a Dó. We engaged in loads of fun activities from dancing to tennis, from football to basketball. We were really busy keeping fit. We loved doing teacher challenges each day and only have active homework. Enjoy some photos of our class completing the three-legged race, tennis lessons and dodgeball during sports day. We followed our school motto ‘Let’s all do our bit by keeping super fit”.

Grandparents’ Day 2024

January 29, 2024 #

On Wednesday 24th January we celebrated Grandparents’ Day as part of Catholic Schools’ Week. We also lit a candle to remember all the Grandparents who could not be here in person with us. We sang songs, played tin whistle and showed them some of our lovely work around the classroom. We made sure to let them know we appreciate all they do for us.

An Bhialann

November 19, 2023 #

Bhaineamar an-taitneamh as ár gceacht Gaeilge i rith na seachtaine. Bhíomar ag foghlaim faoi ‘Bia’ agus rinneamar biachlár nuair a bhíomar ag foghlaim foclóir agus frásaí nua atá ag baint leis an téama. Dé hAoine bhíomar ag sugradh sa bhialann, ag obair mar fhreastalaí ag tógaint na horduithe. Bhí an craic againn!

Science Week 2023

November 19, 2023 #

We had so much for Science Week 2023. We got to complete a biodiversity workshop, engage with coding some ‘bee bots and become scientists bubbling up new experiments. We had a ball and learned lots of new science skills!

Oíche Shamhna

November 19, 2023 #

Oíche Shamhna sona daoibh go léir! Happy Halloween! We had great fun dressing up in 2nd class for Halloween. Can you recognise any familiar faces in their funky costumes?

Maths Week 2023

November 19, 2023 #

We had great fun celebrating Maths Week in Bunscoil Bhride this year. We got to team up and participate in a Maths quiz in the halla. There was a quiz for 1st and 2nd class girls and also a quiz for 3rd to 6th class girls. It was great to mix together to learn from one another and enjoy Maths week. Older classes also paired up with younger classes to teach them some new Maths games. Enjoy some pictures of Maths Week below!

National Fitness Day 2023

October 2, 2023 #

On Thursday 28th September we all celebrated National Fitness Day! Students and teachers all wore their active gear and got to participate in a fun filled day full of extra P.E. and movement activities. We paired up together with Ms.Garrahy’s 2nd class for some fun and engaged in obstacle courses, dodge ball, running our running track and loads more! We were also very lucky to get taught some cool new yoga and mindfulness techniques from coach Una Curran. We then had Music on yard at lunch time to dance to and get some extra steps in. We finished off with some active homework. We all had a great day!

National Fitness Day 2023!

October 2, 2023 #

On Thursday 28th September we all celebrated National Fitness Day! Students and teachers all wore their active gear and got to participate in a fun filled day full of extra P.E. and movement activities. Classes paired up together for some fun and engaged in obstacle courses, dodge ball, running our running track and loads more! We were also very lucky to get taught some cool new yoga and mindfulness techniques from coach Una Curran. We then had Music on yard at lunch time to dance to and get some extra steps in. We finished off with some active homework. We all had a great day!

Fáilte go dtí Rang a Dó!

September 8, 2023 #

Our Class Photo 2023/2024.

Active Schools Week 2023

June 14, 2023 #

The girls in Bunscoil Bhride had great fun celebrating Active Schools Week 2023. They got to celebrate sports days, try their hand at tennis in the local tennis club, participate in a whole school disco etc..! We were blessed with the weather and had great fun all round. A big thanks to the Active Schools committee and to all the staff who helped to put it all together. We hope you enjoy some of pictures and videos down below.