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Credit Union Poster Competition

We are pleased to announce massive success for our pupils in this year’s Credut Union Art Competition. For the first time ever, we have two winners at chapter level. Well done to Belfi Tchica Kazimire (2nd) and Siobhán O’Loughlin (highly commended).

This year, we had a large number of winners in the Rathangan Area Credit Union Art competition, taking first place in all of the age categories. Well done to Kayla O’Rourke from Ms. McEvoy’s class, Belfi Tchica Kazimire from Ms. De Faoite’s class and Siobhán O’Loughlin from Ms. Ruttledge’s class.

Our runner-up prize-winners were Emma Nolan (Ms. Millane’s class), Louisa Goggins (Ms. Coughlan’s class), Ava Spellman (Ms. Gorman’s class), Izzie Clarke (Ms. Ruttledge’s class) and Heidi Beary (Ms. De Faoite’s Class. All of the girls were presented with Certificates and prizes from the Credit Union.