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Friendship Week – Oct 23rd – 27th

This week, we celebrated ‘Friendship Week’ in our school. This week is all about how to be a good friend to others. The girls all really enjoyed the week & we had a variety of friendship activities throughout the week. Our school’s special motto for this week was ‘to have a friend, you have to be a friend’.

Each morning this week, we moved our chairs to sit with someone new & make a special effort to be friends. We also picked a ‘secret friend’ each at the beginning of the week, who we had to be extra kind to in secret. These were all revealed on Friday! We chatted about what a friend is and why friends are important. Then, we shared our ideas on what a good friend looks like & how we have been good friends before.

We also had our ‘coffee morning’ on Thursday (minus the coffee!) where all the junior & senior infants went to the hall with some tasty treats! Everyone sat around & chatted with new friends, it was great to see the girls all interacting with one another.

Our school staff all had access to ‘golden tickets’ too this week. Anyone seen being kind or being a good friend to others received a golden ticket during the week. A huge number of these were4 given out in Room 2 this week! On Friday, all tickets were put into a box & names were pulled during our assembly. We had a few prize winners from our class!

Well done to all the girls on making such a great effort to be kind to everyone this week!