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Lá Fhéile Bríde

Today we held our whole-school assembly to mark Catholic Schools’ Week and also to celebrate Lá Fhéile Bríde (St Brigid’s feast day on February 1st). St Brigid holds a special place in our school not only for being the patron Saint of Kildare but she is also where we get our school name ‘Bunscoil Bhríde’ from. At assembly we saw our senior girls enact the story of St. Brigid and her cloak and also heard poetry about St.Brigid weaving a cross by a dying chieftain’s bed. Classes throughout the school have been busy making St. Brigid’s crosses from rushes too! Gifts were presented to our sacred space including pictures of animals, symbols of nature and a fabulous St Brigid’s cloak sewn by our 5th and 6th class girls with Aideen Cross. To conclude our assembly the whole-school performed the song ‘We sing a song to Brigid’.