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November Assembly

Last Friday the girls in Ms Costello’s Senior Infants and Ms Banks’ 5th class hosted our wonderful November whole school assembly. During the assembly, the girls discussed the many activities which are run in our school, including debating, basketball, biodiversity workshops and tennis. In November, we take time to remember those of whom we love and are no longer with us. To remember them, Ms Costello’s Senior Infants prayed to their guardian angels, and Ms Banks’ 5th class wrote their own prayers. 

In November, we also learned about inclusion and all the ways we are the same and different. We also wore blue for Bluebells Day, to celebrate our Bluebells girls and fundraise for equipment for the new yard. To celebrate inclusion, the girls in senior infants and 5th class learned how to sign and sing the song ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry. They had such fun learning the signs and hosting the assembly for the staff and children in Bunscoil Bhríde. Have a look at some of the fun below!