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November & December 2023

Junior & Senior Infants have had a blast leading up to the Christmas holidays! We have all worked so hard this term & all the girls have really enjoyed all of our activities so far. The Christmas excitement is well and truly underway now!

Junior infants have made great progress learning their sounds & it’s so exciting learning how to read. We have done lots of work counting in maths & making sets of 1 & 2. We have also been making great progress practicing our free writing. Senior infants have been working hard learning their double sounds & our reading is really coming along. Senior infants have made great progress on the numbers 6 & 7 as well as identifying 3D shapes. Senior infants have also been busy practising writing our weekly news together!

In November our theme was all about the post office. The girls learned so much about the journey that post and letters make through the post office through Aistear & SESE activities. We designed stamps, wrote lists & letters to post in our very own classroom postbox & we even got into role as the postal clerks & postwomen delivering letters.

In December our theme has been Winter/Santa’s workshop, which has been so exciting! We have been getting into role at Santa’s workshop, being busy elves making all the gifts for the children around the world. In some role-play stations Santa’s sleigh even broke down & had to be mended to save Christmas Eve! There has been great excitement in the lead up to the holidays. We have discussed all the signs of Winter, made Winter soundscapes for music & have learned all about robins (who are also acting as Santa’s helpers!). We have also read wonderful stories together, such as ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ & ‘The Polar Express’ to name a few.

We have even had a special visitor to our class recently -Tinsel the elf! She has been so sneaky playing tricks each night for us to find the next day. We have made snow angels on the floor & even had our own snowball fight on some mornings!

It has been such a wonderful term 1 with junior & senior infants & we are looking forward to a well-earned rest over Christmas. We are excited to see what 2024 brings for us!