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Unveiling of 11th Green Schools Flag and 4th Active Schools Flag!

We had a wonderful day of celebration on Friday 7th June to mark the recent achievements of being awarded our eleventh Green Schools Flag and our fourth Active Schools Flag. We are very proud as there are not many schools in the country that can boast having eleven green flags and four green flags!

A huge congratulations to Ms. Kelly, Ms. Geraghty, Ms. Garrahy and our fabulous Green Schools Committee as well as our wonderful Active Schools Committee, led by Ms. Rowley and Ms. Costello. These flags were the culmination of 3 years of diligent work by the whole school community.

On Friday, we welcomed very special guests back to our school to assist in the unveiling of the flags. Our much loved caretaker Nigel together with Ms. Kelly unveiled the Green Schools Flag. Nigel will be leaving the school after 24 years of service and was a valued member of staff in his time spent in the school. Ms. Kelly was instrumental in gaining our first ten Green School Flags before her retirement.

Ms. Fogerty returned to help unveil the Active Schools Flag. It was Ms. Fogerty who first set up the Active Schools Committee in 2011 and who led the school to earning our first two flags.

Our Sixth Class committee members informed everyone at the ceremony about the work that had been undertaken in the past 3 years to earn our flags. Ms. Rowley led each class in choreographed dances that she had taught them during Active Schools Week. The ceremony concluded with Ms. Rogerson informing all the children that an ice-cream truck would be coming as a reward for all the hard work put in by the school community. It was a fabulous end to our teddy bears picnic after the ceremony.