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Week One September 2023

Junior & Senior Infants have had a fabulous week settling into school! The girls have been so busy getting to know all of their wonderful classmates over the past few days. We have done some wonderful fun & exciting activities this week!

We have read stories together & chatted about our families & friends. We have done lots of fun activities including our play-dough disco (which was a big hit!), drawing & colouring activities. We made some gorgeous scribble monsters & self-portraits as a part of visual art. We engaged in lots of free play activities & senior infants were a huge help in showing them how we take part in Aistear each day in school. We also have been very busy doing lots of movement breaks in class to keep our minds & bodies active!

Junior infants got fabulous photos taken using our first day of school frame! They have been working on colours in maths & did a super sorting activity using lots of different materials. We have also started to learn Gaeilge & the girls have picked up cúpla focail as Gaeilge already!

Senior infants have been revising their sounds & numbers & are making great progress so far. We have done lots of counting & sorting activities using all of our maths resources! They have had so much fun teaching the junior infants about our routines in school & have been a great influence on the girls.

We have had a super first week in school & we are looking forward to get to know each other even better in the coming weeks!