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Covid-19 Arrangements for Re-opening of Bunscoil Bhríde

August 11, 2020 #

Bunscoil Bhríde Covid Response Plan

Bunscoil Bhríde Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Department of Education and Skills Guidance Documents

DES COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools.

Letters from Chairperson and Principal


May 8, 2020 #

We linked up with John Doran of Kildare Sports Partnership. John very kindly paid a visit to our school during Active School week. He did fundamental movement workshops with three classes and really put them through their paces. The students and teachers enjoyed these workshops very much.

We were delighted when the local scouts group agreed to take part in our Active Schools week.

Olive Conroy and two scouts showed our 5th and 6th class how to erect tents and do team building exercises.

We are fortunate in Rathangan to have an active GAA club. Every year GAA trainers take part in our Active School week and provide many of our students with training in football skills.

The local Tennis club are kind enough to give several classes tennis coaching during Active Schools week every year. The children really enjoy the sessions on the courts.

Active School Work

May 8, 2020 #

Fitness Fluffy and Active Archie
There are a few cuddly characters making themselves at home in Bunscoil Bhríde these days. Ms. Rowley’s Senior Infants are having great fun with Fitness Fluffy. Fluffy gets to go swimming, to ballet classes and to gymnastics with the girls. They love bringing her to lots of different places. In First Class a cheeky little sheep called Archie is on the go every day, trying to keep up with the busy girls in room 4. They bring him running, dancing (Irish and hip-hop) and cycling. He must be the fittest sheep in all of Kildare. In Second Class, room 6, another Active Archie spends his evenings moving and stretching. He has tried jogging, cycling and every type of dancing. He loves all the activities and, like the girls, he is on his way to being super fit.

The Active Schools committee receive lots of suggestions from their classmates. The committee made up a suggestion box which has been placed on the ledge in front of the Active school board. We look forward to lots of good ideas!

Updates from the Active School Committee

Active School committee meeting – 30/01/18

At a recent staff meeting (15/01/18) it was reported that the lines in the yard are not tidy because of ‘active lines’. Senior classes are not trying hard at active lines. A discussion took place as to how we can motivate senior classes to perform better in active lines. It was decided that we should introduce an incentive in the form of a homework pass as a reward to the class with the best active lines over a week. Mrs Rogerson will record the winning class each day on a chart.  The AS committee feel that this reward system has made a big difference, with all classes in the senior yard making greater efforts so far.

We decided to do a Grand Canal Run for our running initiative this year. The committee members will go back to the classes with the maps of our ‘Run along the Grand Canal’, and explain the running initiative to their classmates.

We discussed our plan to employ a new group of playground leaders to help the junior classes to play with the playground equipment. The role of these new playground leaders is different to that of the AS committee members.

The girls are checking the suggestion box on a weekly basis.

Active School committee meeting – 8th March 2018

The committee reported that some classes have not done much of their running laps as they have been involved in rugby training and other PE activities. We will all go back to our classes with a reminder to keep doing the laps.

The committee reported that not all classes are writing down their PE homework in their journals every week. We will remind the teachers that this is important.

The storage of hula hoops is posing a problem. We need to look at ways we can store them in a neater and safer way.

We will introduce small balls to the range of equipment that the juniors can have in the yard.

Everyone agreed that the skipping workshop was a great success.

Staff meeting on 25/09/2017

The work of the Active Schools Committee was discussed at length during a staff meeting held on 25th September 2017. It was stressed that much of the focus for the coming year will be on trying to build 60 minutes of activity into our day. Among the decisions agreed on by all teachers were:

Active School committee meeting on 12/10/17

At the October 12th meeting the students raised some issues that they are concerned about.

Active School committee meeting on 9/11/17

The following issues were discussed at the meeting of November 9th:


May 8, 2020 #

Running the length of the Canal

This week the Active School committee launched a new running initiative for this year.  We have decided to run the length of the Grand Canal.  While the Grand Canal begins in Dublin, we will start out from Sallins, County Kildare, and go all the way to the village of Shannon Harbour, in County Offaly, where the canal joins the River Shannon. Unfortunately we cannot actually run along the banks of the canal. We will be clocking up the kilometres in the school yard and marking our progress on a map. The distance we hope to cover is 105km (approx). Our first stage is to run from Sallins to Robertstown which is nearly 14km. Some of the junior classes have already started and are adding up their laps to make kilometres. 

We would like to recommend that all families buy a skipping rope either before or after our upcoming skipping workshop. The girls will learn new skipping skills and it would be great if they could go home and teach everybody else how to do these. Skipping is one of the best exercises that we can all do to stay fit and have fun!


May 8, 2020 #

We are delighted to report that a very large number of pupils from Third to Sixth Class have been taking part in Cross-country training which takes place in the school on Thursdays from 2.40pm to 3.15pm. Well done to all the pupils involved and to their dedicated coach Ms. Ruttledge.

Rugby at Bunscoil Bhríde

May 8, 2020 #

Gráinne Vaugh, a Community Rugby Officer with Leinster Rugby has been coaching our Fifth and Sixth Class pupils. She will shortly begin coaching sessions with Third and Fourth Class pupils. The girls have been developing a whole new set of skills and have been thoroughly enjoying their rugby sessions.

Skipping workshop

May 8, 2020 #

We were delighted to host Skip-Hop Skipping Workshop in the school on the 7th and 8th February. All classes had the opportunity of engaging in the skipping workshop, in which they learnt a selection of moves including individual, double-dutch, long rope, and partner skipping. The second day culminated with a demonstration of skipping skills performed by children chosen from each workshop. The workshop was a fabulous success and we are thrilled by the enthusiasm and love for skipping that it has generated, with a multitude of children across all class levels engaged in skipping on our yard every day.

Active School Committee 2018/19

May 8, 2020 #

Meet our wonderful group of volunteers who took on the job of keeping everyone active in Bunscoil Bhrídefor the coming year.

As members of this committee they make sure that the equipment is delivered to the yard every day at both breaks. They help younger children learn how to use the equipment well. They also keep our sports equipment room in very good order.

The committee members instruct the active lines after break time, modelling movement for younger children. They inform the school body about active homework over the intercom. They also participate in regular meetings, sharing opinions and ideas. These girls keep our school running in every sense of the word!

Irish Dancing

May 8, 2020 #

We would like to sincerely thank Carmel Somers who has been giving Irish Dancing lessons to all of the classes at Bunscoil Bhríde over a four-week period. We have picked up some wonderful dancing skills and look forward to continuing our dancing practice throughout the year.

National Fitness Day 2018

May 8, 2020 #

We celebrated National Fitness Day on Friday the 28th of September. Each class took park in lots of activities and games throughout the day. After lunch, we were delighted to raise our Active Schools Flag which we were awarded at the end of June 2018. We are so proud to be one of a few schools to have earned two Active Flags. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful Active Schools commitee led by Ms. Fogarty and Ms. Ryan.